Regina Huber is the Founder & CEO of TRANSFORM YOUR PERFORMANCE, where she drives transformational leadership and guides her coaching clients to increase their influence and impact as leaders. She is a multicultural and multilingual Transformational Leadership Coach, an International Inspirational Speaker, and Author of the book Speak up, Stand out and Shine, she’s very active in the community her top leadership trait is curiosity, and her big passions are humanizing inclusiveness, co-creation, and dance. We’ll discuss the ins and outs of showing up with power and authenticity.

50 % of how others perceive us is about body language

Regina Huber

What is your body language telling others? Did you know body language has to do with the energy you’re putting out as well? First impressions are not only about the way we look, hand gestures, and so on but also the energy you put out. Listen to this because this statistic is also fascinating.

We’ve heard before that it takes 7 seconds to make a good first impression right? It also takes 0.07 seconds for our brain to figure out whether to trust someone and whether that’s safe. This is part of our survival mechanism, the fight or flight response.

Dance has completely changed my body posture, again that fills into presence, and dance has thought me so many business and leadership lessons

Regina Huber

Can you think of dance as a business tool? Regina talks to us about the lessons learned through dance and how that applies to the business world. For example building team trust and self-confidence.

How important is it to establish trust in a team? She explains that If you are in a dance ensemble sometimes you have to rely on your team as if your life depends on it. It also thought her confidence, how do you walk across the dance floor to ask the best dancer to dance with you and receive a NO when you ask him? That builds courage! 

In this episode, you will also learn:

  • Regina’s Powerful Leadership Transformation signature framework
  • How curiosity pushes you out of your comfort zone.
  • How to build courage. 
  • Rebuilding your self-esteem and starting your business over in a new location.
  • Being authentic. 
  • Change how you show up and how you feel about it.
  • Business lessons you can learn from dancing. 

Press play on the episode above and hear more about this amazing woman.

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Speak up, Stand up and Shine

Maximum Leadership white paper

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