Just a little disclaimer I’m not a psychologist, I’m a photographer Overthinking can be a byproduct of anxiety or depression. Please seek help if you have signs of depression. 

1.) Awareness

It’s human nature to think things through but some of us cross that line to overthinking. Here is a sign you’re overthinking. Let’s say you went out with a friend and you are still trying to figure out how she really feels about a conversation you both had 3 weeks ago or how about reading a simple text in 20 different ways, you even give it different voices like if you are rehearsing for a play.

Ask yourself what is the problem? Write it down if you can.

2.) Find an activity that makes you happy.

When you are feeling overwhelmed and about to cross that line, breath, do some yoga, go for a walk, put on some music, and dance.

3.) Change Your Story 

Tony Robbins one of my favorite speakers says:

“We are all telling ourselves stories. The question is, does your story empower you or hold you back?”

Ask yourself that question and be honest with yourself.

The stories we tell ourselves about who we are— impact every aspect of our lives. Overthinkers may tell themselves, “I’ve always been this way, that’s just me I worry a lot. I can’t help it” or “I’m just naturally more anxious than everyone else.” These are stories that hold you back and can be hard to change if you’ve never asked yourself this hard question “Why do I overthink?”

To overcome your limiting beliefs, you need to first identify them. Then you can catch yourself when you start telling yourself these negative stories and replace them with positive ones, like “I am in charge of my emotions.” Once you change your story, you’ll change your life. 

Tony says

4.) Let go of the past

Yesterday is gone! You can’t bring it back, you can only look for solutions to unresolved problems today, whatever you couldn’t do yesterday start fresh today. Stop dwelling on what you couldn’t change yesterday.

5.) Be present in the moment

Meditate, pray, stay connected to the present, to the, here, to the NOW. Don’t go to the future and don’t go to the past.

6) Ask yourself the right questions

If you keep asking yourself why am I overthinking this? Why can’t I stop overthinking? You will keep going and going on that same cycle of overthinking you know like a hamster on a wheel going around and around, it’s like are they ever going to stop? 

Ask yourself questions that are solution-oriented for instance, If you are a business owner and you’re in a slow season- don’t ask why you can’t get any clients? Because this will only lead to more frustrating questions like “nobody likes me, there’s something wrong with me, my services are good why can’t people see the value?” You see how you’re now bringing your attention to yourself, not your business. 

7.) Focus on the solution not the problem

It happened when I was thinking about finally launching the podcast. I starting overthinking and asking the wrong questions -What if people make fun of my accent, what if they don’t find my podcast helpful, what if no-one listens to my podcast, what if….I had to immediately change my mindset and ask empowering, solution-oriented questions like how can I help those that feel they have a language barrier, are there any moms that work from home and feel frustrated how can I help them? How can I build great relationships with other podcasters, how can I bring more value to people? Where can I learn about x y and z?

This works for me every time, I first step back and bring my awareness to where I’m driving my energy, then go into meditation mode, do some yoga; I need to change my state of mind. I can then ask myself the right questions to get solutions to my problem rather than more problems. 

Remember, next time you are about to cross that line, give yourself some grace and… 

  1. Awareness is key.
  2. Do something that makes you happy.
  3. Change your story.
  4. Let go of the past.
  5. Be in the present moment.
  6. Focus on the solution, not the problem.
  7. Ask yourself the right questions.

Take action today to stop overthinking, it will allow you to make better choices. Write down on a piece of paper what the problem is and follow these simple yet powerful steps. Ask for help. You don’t have to go through it alone!

Connect with Mayi

About Mayi Lenz

She’s a Portrait & Fine Art Photographer, Filmmaker, Speaker & Podcaster based in Miami Florida, with a passion for storytelling and empowering women to develop powerful confidence about themselves and the value they bring to their community and the world.

Instagram Mayi Lenz Photography

Facebook Mayi Lenz Photography

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